Store extension "corruption" bug - repair fails

Copper Contributor

Not sure where to put bug reports.  If this is the wrong place, please point me to the correct place and I'll file it there.


When I attempt to install our CRX from here: the extension icon disappears from the browser's chrome and I get a message in about:extensions that says "This extension may have been corrupted."  The "repair" button reinstalls the CRX, but the extension immediately fails again.


This is repeatable in Windows and OSX on Dev, Beta, and Canary.


I spun up the Canary build on OSX in debug mode and traced down the issue:

[36361:28163:0108/] FileURLLoader::Start: file:///Users/username/Library/Application%20Support/Microsoft%20Edge%20Beta/Defau


[36361:29443:0108/] job failed for jffkbfhhjokopidblbjfkippklbhegoj img/logo/SU Icon.svg reason:2

[36361:775:0108/] VerifyFailed jffkbfhhjokopidblbjfkippklbhegoj reason:2


I checked computed hashes (_metadata/computed_hashes.json) for "SU Icon.svg" and verified that it was missing.

$ cat jffkbfhhjokopidblbjfkippklbhegoj/2.1.624_0/_metadata/computed_hashes.json | jq | grep -i SU.Icon\.svg


Note that "SU Icon.svg" has a space in it.  On closer inspection, it appears that all of the files with spaces in them are missing from the computed hashes file.  Not sure if this is a red herring or the issue itself.


I checked chromium's code (content_verify_job.h to be exact) and the "reason:2" says:

// Failed because this file wasn't found in the list of expected hashes.

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