Send feedback - is the profile important?

Iron Contributor


I've just sent some feedback on a browser crash. Now I wonder if I did it correctly, as I sent the feedback using my default profile, but the crash happened in another profile (that took down all profile windows). My thought is, that sending feedback from one profile, might not include all the relevant information from the other profile, like what extensions that is loaded.


TL;DR: Is it important to send feedback using the browser profile that a crash happened in, or will any of the browsers profile do?

3 Replies

@ahl2ndc Thanks for reaching out, and great question. If the issue only occurs when you're signed into a specific profile, then that's the one that you'd want to submit the diagnostics from. However, if it's a reproducible situation that happens regardless of profile, then it shouldn't matter. Since it can be hard to tell with crashes whether or not they were profile-dependent, it's best to send the feedback from the profile that was open during the crash.


In this situation, I'd recommend resubmitting it from the original profile if it happens again. Otherwise, it should be ok, as our Reliability team gets an automatic (but more limited and privacy-respecting) signal during crashes.


Fawkes (they/them)
Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge


Thank you for the answer. I suspected it was that way, but wanted to make sure.

Happy surfing!

@ahl2ndc Sure thing, happy to help! And thanks, you too. :)


Fawkes (they/them)
Project & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge