Sad & bizarre

Silver Contributor

You know when you really stop & think about it... To spend space & trouble typing in this forum the way we are is pathetic & weird.  

The stuff we are asking for, requesting, begging, pleading, repeating to have and having ANY of it referred to as "Added" is all outrageous!  This is a finite bunch of Edge stuff that is supposed to be there. We shouldn't be having to bother with all this, at all, in the 1st place.  This project should be productive & efficient. Asking us to write novels enlightening the Team as to why stuff is in Edge is counter to both.  MS put the stuff in Edge for US.  Ask yourselves why it's in the browser.  This is OLD NEWS, stuff we know, already.  The stuff has to be there and even that should not need to be said!  You want to see what to make Edge?  Look at Edge. <-- there's your answers. KISS!


6 Replies



Being able to have some input on priorities is neither sad nor bizarre.

Maybe you should just accept that not everyone shares your tastes? The Edge team needs to set priorities, and the fact that old Edge had a feature does not mean that new Edge should automatically have it as well. It happens all the time that features are added that do not live up to expectations, or maybe they turned out not to be such a great idea in practice, so they are removed on a later occasion. This is a very good occasion for the Edge team to evaluate what is worth re-implementing and what isn't. I'm sorry if you lose some beloved features that way but Edge does not belong to you, so your opinion and taste is not the only one that matters. There are some features from old Edge that I don't care about in the slightest, like website markup (PDF markup is another story). That doesn't mean I'll go complain if it gets added but maybe there is something else I'd like to see, and that many others would also like to see - why should we take a backseat in favor of a feature only a handful of people would use? Obviously Microsoft needs to listen to the entire breadth of users - and *potential future* users - and prioritize accordingly, not just listen to some fans of an old discontinued browser.

@Bruce Roberts 

The point is we should not have to be saying anything about wanting & needing this stuff.. it should just be there, as it is in Edge without us having to make any noise about it or fret about it missing or IF it is ever going to be there.


It's not pathetic nor bizare. it's just like any other forums.

@Drew1903 wrote:

The point is we should not have to be saying anything about wanting & needing this stuff.. it should just be there, as it is in Edge without us having to make any noise about it or fret about it missing or IF it is ever going to be there.


Google Chrome had to go through the same process, even longer I think since there weren't a pre-made Chromium engine for them so they had to make everything from the scratch.


Microsoft here has this great opportunity and I'd say the speed of the Edge project is fairly quick, give it a few more months and things should be all fine