Mar 12 2020 01:15 PM
At this point we do want to make any website behave like an application. It only has to be added as an application with the possibility of setting a name from the beginning. This is useful when you have more than one profile in the browser. I can install the web X for profile 1 with the name X-1 and the same web X for profile 2 with the name X-2.
But the problem is when I install a PWA whose name is already set. And it is not possible to change it from any page. So when I want to install Outlook for my 3 profiles, I'm left with the same name for all 3 profiles preventing quick identification.
My proposal would be to allow the App Manager to change the name of the PWA and thus better identify it from the start menu and also from the shortcuts that are created.
Mar 12 2020 02:41 PM
@cjaviersaldana thank you for the feedback. That is an interesting idea... currently for PWAs, the name comes from the web developer who created the manifest file on the server. We want to honor that name. However, I do see value in this proposal. I'll raise it up at our next standup.
Oct 12 2021 04:44 AM
@cjaviersaldana Good Suggestion.
Going forward I noticed this is still an issue. I used to have multiple Outlook Apps based on Edge (PWA) Apps for different profiles. but for some reason these PWA Apps are now broken in Edge (after a recent update?). When re-creating the Outlook Apps they are now named 'Outlook (PWA)' but I cannot give them a specific name for each profile.
Thankfully the Teams Web-App is still a normal 'site' hence I can still create an App and choose my own name. Being able to update the Name (and logo/image) of an Edge App would really help as well since some site still use default or undesired icons.
Dec 09 2021 02:40 AM
May 26 2022 09:38 AM
Jun 21 2022 03:19 AM
I agree that this is a useful feature. For non-PWA site, I can install and give them any name. In my case, I have Teams for each tenant / account I have.
However, I can't do that with outlook.
Granted, Outlook is not as major issue as in Teams case as outlook app can be used with multiple tenant (which Teams has issue with guest/family tenant AFAIK, but it's a different story), but since I'm already using Teams this way, I'd like to use Outlook this way as well.
Jun 29 2022 05:30 AM
I also have the same issue with GitHub CodeSpaces. If you install the web version of a codespace as a PWA, the app is generically called CodeSpaces.
Granted, the guys at GH could solve it nicely, but I think it's better to have a fallback solution in Edge in case the developer isn't interested into giving a instance-specific name.
Sep 27 2022 02:35 PM
Apr 20 2023 02:48 PM
Oct 29 2023 06:48 AM
Dec 29 2023 12:46 PM