Other Color options besides light and Dark theme

Copper Contributor

For reasons specific to the type of work that I do, I have all three of the Edge Insider browsers installed (Canary, Dev, and Beta). I think it would be helpful for me and others if we could choose a color other than light and dark to make telling the browsers apart visual much easier. This would be purely a cosmetic change. Also the icons for Dev and Beta are extremely similar. I also think they could use a bit of differentiation as well. I'm sure others who are testing\developing with multiple version of the browser would also appreciate these changes

1 Reply

Hi @TimFromFL 

This is what I want as well, currently Edge's UI has only dark/white and top bar gets its color from Windows color system, with your proposition, we could customize each browser instance better.


also according to the latest blog post, the Icons are going to change to this.



