Oct 10 2020 02:33 AM
Does anyone have the issue where Edge does not display the radio buttons for a webpage so you cannot select an option for the control
However this same page shows the radio buttons in Chrome.
Is there anything that can be done to fix that, it has been in the new Edge since it was first available for download but never since this fixed in the newer releases.
Oct 10 2020 05:33 AM
Oct 10 2020 08:12 AM
@HotCakeX After realizing it - it is a only a few websites like the Unemployment site and some others
But there is nothing that I can really do as that is the browser analyzing the webpage itself.
Thank you for the input and response.
Oct 23 2020 01:44 AM
@HotCakeX - It is actually many websites - too many to name
Anything with a radio button does not show the content
I have tried to reinstall the browser after completely uninstalling the program and it still does it
Below is a screenshot
I am not sure how else to proceed - I have tried on both the Dev Build and the Regular Stable build and it is still a problem - sometimes it allows me to click where the button is and it selects that option but not sure how else to proceed. I hope someone from Microsoft sees this.
Oct 23 2020 02:12 AM
Oct 23 2020 04:07 AM
@HotCakeX I am on the Balanced Protection setting and there are no ad blockers installed in the browser but perhaps this is my work laptop and all traffic goes through another end point perhaps that could be blocking it
I will try to run some further tests on another machine that is not work related to see if that is indeed the case and I guess I will have to live with it till my work privacy blockers are updated for the new Edge browser as I doubt that will be anytime soon.
Thanks for the suggestions
May 27 2023 09:43 AM
I know it's 3 years later but I am having this exact issue. It's caused some work loss issues for me at this point and I've 'yelled' at tech support for a couple of companies for their lack of usability and their sites always breaking.