Microsoft Edge Insider X_86 support

Copper Contributor


Hey all,


First off i want to say this is a killer release even though it is a beta build. Im loving it so far. However I have one question. Does the browser support 32bit systems?


I am asking because i work with two systems at work. Im using a 64bit machine that has the insider build installed, and i also have a 32 bit system that i use for accessing my VM when i need/working from home.


Now looking at the resource usage vs chrome the difference is night and day with edge taking much lower resources compared to chrome as a result my intention is to replace chrome with these builds on both of my machienes however the website does not specify 32 or 64bit requirements. It only downloads the files.


1 Reply
Right now we are supporting only 64 bit on WIndows 10. We are looking at supporting more platforms so keep an eye out for announcements. Thank you for taking the time to test drive our new browser, even if just on the 64 bit machine, and for leaving us this feedback.