Microsoft edge canary crashed

Brass Contributor

I updated Microsoft canary (version:112.0.1690.0), it crashed when I was browsing the web, is there any way to fix it?



4 Replies



Please update Canary to the latest version 112.0.1697.0 and let us know if you're still experiencing this behavior. To run the automatic updater enter edge://settings/help in the address bar. 


I updated to the newest version, but now it crashed after I opened the setting. (many times)!AjBLY6cOGwhTlLtCOiahlPf24UtkWw?e=KlUg6t
the video shows the bug.


The bug has already been fixed, thank you.

@North_Yang starting 03/02/2024 ms edge canary is crashing after opening - stays open for a second and closes itself. i uninstalled it, downloaded latest ( , same behavior - opens and closes after 1 second