Microsoft edge BUG, which has lasted for a long time

Copper Contributor

When the translated English content contains dates, for example:

Your membership will end on August 11, 2023

The built-in translation plug-in of edge browser will translate the content as follows:

您的会员资格将于 11 年 2023 月 <> 日结束


This is wrong. The correct order of expression in the Chinese context is: year>month>day.


For example, August 11, 2023

Correctly translated into 2023.8.11 in Chinese



The automatic translation of the page confuses the year and month, because their order in the Chinese context is inconsistent, and the year is incorrectly written as the month.


微软edge BUG,且持续有很长时间了

Your membership will end on August 11, 2023
您的会员资格将于 11 年 2023 月 <> 日结束


例如 August 11, 2023



4 Replies
Please do not use Microsoft's built-in translation plug-in to translate this content, which may cause the BUG display to fail to understand the error..

Ah indeed. When I performed "Translate selection to Japanese" with "Your membership will end on August 11, 2023" selected, Edge sent requests to the server (or and received a response as below.


Translated text is correct, perfect. However, Edge damages it on the page as


It is broken...



Do you think Microsoft and its edge team will fix this bug.... Is there no official technician in this forum?