How to make an edited DOM permanent, to remove the news in Microsoft Edge Homepage in My Feeds?

Copper Contributor

I want to remove the news in My Feeds (bottom section) but remain the Microsoft 365 in the Microsoft Edge Homepage.

I tried to edit to Document Object Model (DOM) by deleting the list (money, sports, play), but the result is not permanent. Before editing DOM:

before editing DOMbefore editing DOM

After editing DOM:
after editing DOMafter editing DOM

Are there any ways to make an edited DOM permanent (such as upload a new homepage link as photo below etc)? Thank you.

3 Replies
You can turn off News without touching DOM.

@Rohit Yadav but I would like to keep the office feed like sticky notes and calendar :cry:

But do they appear in that feed? That feed only shows content from MSA if you are signed in with your personal account.