Aug 09 2019 04:09 AM
As an avid Alt+Tab switcher in Windows, in all the browsers I miss the Internet Explorer's ability to open everything in a new window. When Alt+Tabbing this enables me to land on every website, that I have open, not just the website of the active tab.
Can there be a setting "Open links from other apps in a new window" in the new Chromium Edge to get this functionality back? It can be off by default, I don't mind. But when this setting is on, and I click a link in an e-mail app, open me a new Chromium Edge window every time.
Clicking on a website pinned to a task bar should then also open in a new window, if that website is not yet open in any of the Edge windows. Of course, if that website is open in one of the Edge windows, it should just bring that Edge window forward.
Aug 29 2019 12:56 PM
That is an interesting suggestion. I tried to check in Internet Explorer for that setting and was unable to find it. Where exactly did you find that so that I can try to replicate it and pass along your suggestion?
Aug 29 2019 01:13 PM
SolutionAug 29 2019 01:40 PM - edited Aug 29 2019 01:54 PM
@Robin Nilsson thank you! Thank you for saving my time and posting these screenshots. Yes, it's in Internet Explorer Options, Tabs button, and it is the one you underlined with the lower blue line. Thank you!
This is my best setting:
Dec 02 2019 04:06 PM
@Mantvydas I agree! This is the only reason IE is still my default browser. It is particularly important to be able to open PDFs in a new window.
Jun 17 2024 01:28 PM
@Mantvydas You should check out BrowseRouter. Which says, "In Windows, launch a different browser depending on the url." (I am not involved with this project except for being a fan. Although, I did do some mods to its predecessor BrowserSelector.)
I use BrowseRouter for this specific purpose - to open URL links in a new browser window. It also allows me to use different browsers based on what the URL is. For instance, open certain websites in Brave, Edge, Chrome, or Firefox, etc.
But the pertinent info here is that I can specify the `--new-window` argument in the BrowseRouter config.ini file:
edge = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --new-window
edge_private = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" -inprivate --new-window
Then down below in the file, tell it to open all links in edge:
[urls] = edge_private
* = edge_private
* = edge
Now, whenever a URL is opened (from outside of a browser) it gets opened in its own browser Window.
Good luck!
Aug 29 2019 01:13 PM