[Feature] How can I change tab with mouse when full screen?

Brass Contributor

Edge/IE has a good function: using mouse to change tab. it can auto hide the top bar when the mouse leave it. and auto display top bar when the mouse move to top:5.gif


but, Edge dev can not change tab!!!  just a fork ico : 


I do not want to exit full screen then change tab .

5 Replies

@liuyuqi Are you sure your are not in full screen mode, as in accidentally clicking F11 



You didn't understand what I meant. I want change tab with mouse when Edge is in full screen!


Edge dev should hide the top bar when the mouse leave it. and auto display top bar when the mouse move to top. so I can change tab just to choose tab which I want. 



Just wanna say I'd love to see this added as well. Firefox is the only other browser I know of that will auto show the tabs if you mouse to the top of the screen while in fullscreen mode, and then hide them when you move away. Would be cool to have this in the new Edge, or at least the option.

@liuyuqi oh oops. I thought you meant that you were stuck on full screen. My bad :face_with_tears_of_joy: