Favorites - Design

Copper Contributor

I noticed that up until recently, clicking on the Favorites button showed a different looking panel on my PC and my notebook.

PC: Hovering over the folders in favorites would expand the navigation to the side and show saved items inside

Notebook: Had to click the folders to expand them (down) and see what's inside


Now, the clicking behaviour seems to be universal and I'm wondering if that is a deliberate design decision and if there is solid reasoning behind it?


The mouse hover navigation felt really fast and clean the way it was handled before.

The only thing that comes to mind is having the Favorites button be on the far right side results in a low amount of horizontal space to expand to, but it still felt manageable.

1 Reply
you can find out more about the new flyout experience of favorites in here

also if you have any feedbacks, feel free to submit it directly to the developers using the feedback button on Edge

press Edge's (...) menu => Help and feedback => Send feedback