Everytime I make a new profile, there is a extenstion installed by default

Not applicable

You may have seen these banners in about recommending you switch to the new edge or get the Bing wallpaper app.


One of these was this enhance your browsing experience app. It basically installed the Bing wallpaper app with the same install process but it installed Microsoft Rewards Extension into the browser.


Now, every time I make a new profile in edge, I get a "!" in my menu that there is a new extension installed, do I allow it or disable it. 


Thank you




50 Replies
The thing is that I actually pressed apply. So it actually did something to edge, I ran this a few months ago and I dont' know how to remove it. "APPLY"
I did it too but still nothing happened to my PC, as a matter of fact i did press on apply multiple times
So yeah you can't remove anything simply because nothing has been installed.
that .exe just adjusts your settings to everything it explains on the screen, that's it.
just a onetime adjustment.
Well first of all, it does install the Microsoft Rewards extenstion for all in the future profiles in Edge. It isn't a one time adjustment. Try to reproduce what I see in my end in a windows sandbox. Since no one in the microsoft support over remote session were able to remove it
When you finish applying, you have to make a new profile in edge and you will see. It dosetn' affect the current porfiles
it is a one time educement in a way that it sets that extension to be installed (not for me though), but it doesn't install itself.
They can't remove it because it doesn't install, but they should be able to see the traces of it in Windows event viewer.
"When you finish applying, you have to make a new profile in edge and you will see. It dosetn' affect the current porfiles

In my tests I haven't seen it do anything yet.
I see, maybe my one is a bug.!AploExad608_gdB8fPuSnJLWq8ZIEQ?e=DccPof

Please watch the attached video to see if I am getting the same results as you rend please
Nothing is showing in that video, i think your video recorded didn't capture it
it's okay, Windows Gamebar only records the exact window it was launched from. whether it's a specific Edge window or a game.

and yes i see that, I started getting that as well after a day of installing that thing.
best response







You can stop that prompt once and for all by going to that registry and deleting that entry




the extension ID is: nlbmdekgjkajiobkcbpolefohlelfhfe



extension ID is the same for everyone.

when I search for that extension ID in Bing, I can see the extension's page, which is here:

you get extension ID by going to edge://extensions/ and having "developer mode" on in there

or clicking on "details" on each extension and seeing the address bar.

this is actually a normal procedure for installing extensions in work environment for users in bulk.

here is my source and how I learned that:

Microsoft docs never stops to amaze me.

so in the Windows registry, delete the folder that has its name set to that extension ID, that's it. (shown in the screenshot above)

hope that helps
Okay, but that would delete the actual Micoroft Rewards I have installed via the store?
Thank you for investigating on where this is installing from.
Thank you 🙂
No, that's the rule that program set to offer the installation of it for new profiles.
You're welcome, you can mark it as answer so others can go straight to the right comment.
Thank you and will do 🙂

Very appreciated you found out this even though no one else in Microsfot was able to find out about this. It is still funny that Microsoft hasn't mentinoed or has no info on this in any documentaion. It is like it is a controlled rollout or something Nvm
Well they explained how it's done, just no documentation i could find about that tool itself