español español

Copper Contributor

es necesario en implementaren  navegador Microsoft Edge la capacidad de menú en español el cambio de idiomas, el traductor al estilo googlech seria bueno y el cambio de la barra de búsqueda se pueda configurar a criterio del usuario 

5 Replies


I apologize for not responding sooner. Language support is coming, though we don't have a specific timeline for it.




Have put this to :) and Edge Insider Support.


Translating pages is all well and good, BUT!... Edge C is missing the ability to highlight, Rt Clk & translate text! This is a "Must have", another "Keeper" of Edge.

Let's, please, try not to have this omitted for much longer.


I saw that Email come in and I'm sure it will be addressed as soon as possible.




Alright, that will work :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes: Cool.  Glad you can understand my bring it to the fore.




I'm going to take this opportunity to address two birds with one snip.  We need to keep/must keep these 2 items. In this example, one has translator set to Spanish 
Trans language.jpg
And text can be highlighted & w/ a rt clk translated to the set language. Translate (highlighted) text to Spanish
Trans langs & search.jpg

Now to the red circled items. ANY highlighted text, also, has, via Rt Clk, these 2 search options.  The Cortana being a flyout panel w/ info & links OR go to (further) Bing results on another, actual, web page.  It is extremely appealing to have the Cortana info panel and not be, actually, leaving the page in use.

All above that is in Edge has to be in Edge C, as well.  The full list includes more but, this befit the context here in this thread.
