Edge support on Server OS?

Brass Contributor



First I would like to say, that it's great to see that Edge will also have support on legacy OS like Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. But I can't find on the Edge Insider website, if there will be support on Server OS. So I would like to know if you have any plans on supporting Edge on for example Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2016 and Server 2019?

I really hope there will be support on Server OS, because when you have a large Citrix environment, users will also browse on the internet on those servers. And the users don't like to use Internet Explorer for browsing 🙂


Best regards,


51 Replies

Any dates for Edge Chromium on server 2019? As we have large RDS session host farms that need it - Thank you@Elliot Kirk 

@GerryG, been loving it! There is (was?) a problem with Citrix but with straight RDP I think there is none. 

Download and deploy the new Microsoft Edge for business

I think this link downloads the version which works on Windows Server.

Best regards,


Sadly not. 

Still is not able to connect to anything on a Citrix-environment. Not even settngs. Using 2019-server. 


Error message looks similar to this, try the methods here:

I don't see this problem on Windows Server 2019 Remote Desktop Servers.

Best regards,


Because you don't run Citrix. 


But: The solution WAS posted earlier in this thread.
(Adding the registry HKLM keys with the CtxHook ExcludedImageNames msedge.exe,nacl64.exe)

@blomsterharry   Edge (Chromium version) does seem to be working on Windows Server operating systems now days.  However, am I the only one who would feel better about installing Edge Chromium on my production Windows Servers, if I could just *see* those Windows Server operating systems listed as "supported" on a standard "minimum system requirements" list/web-page for the Chromium version of Edge?  Or perhaps I am just the only one who hasn't searched well enough to find an already existing minimum system requirements web-page for the Chromium version of Edge?  Thanks for any assistance with this!

@brianchris The only thing I can find is at the bottom of this page:

Additionally to the solution already posted you can check this blog post which explains it nicely:
Apparently the solution mentioned earlier in this thread is for older Citrix (7.6 and below), for everything newer there is different registry key although both of them still seems to be working in Citrix 7.15 CU5 LTSR.
The same issue would affect Brave browser too. And you may need to update user profile management policy if you are using one.

wait so Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Exploder and is pushing for us to use Edge but I just built a couple of Windows Server 2019 machines and they don't come with Edge? wth

@J 1901 

@J 1901 wrote:

wait so Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Exploder and is pushing for us to use Edge but I just built a couple of Windows Server 2019 machines and they don't come with Edge? wth

Microsoft discontinued Internet explorer Years ago, it's nothing new about the Edge browser.

the new Edge browser hasn't been rolled out to everyone just yet, so naturally it's not rolled out to Windows Server either.

you can download it manually: