Edge doesn't respect standard colors anymore in v99.xxx

Steel Contributor

Hey there,

since switching Dev and Canary to version 99.xxx, Edge doesn't respect the standard colors anymore, instead it shows like you've chosen "light mode".

This is pretty annoying because the title bar is now light grey and the window buttons (minimize/fullscreen/close) are white.  


Edge Dev / Canary since v99Edge Dev / Canary since v99


Edge Stable, standard behaviourEdge Stable, standard behaviour


Please change this back to normal behaviour, I want a dark title bar without having to switch the whole app to "dark mode", thanks. 


2 Replies

Hey there @Neon01! I just wanted to confirm the fix for this went out in Canary/Dev version 99.0.1130.0 and Beta 98.0.1108.27! If you've updated to the latest Canary/Dev and are still seeing this, please let me know. 


Alex Rowell (she/her)
Community Manager - Microsoft Edge
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Hey @Alexandra-R
Thanks for getting back, with the updates you mentioned now everything works fine again 🙂
Great work!