Edge Canary - Version 97.0.1065.0 - empty tabs - reduced context (right click) menu

Brass Contributor

After updating to latest build, the browser doesn't display anything.

page is blank

context menu have only 3 options
none url reachable (no problem from other browsers) - in Dev Tools error message: No resource with given identifier


What have I tried to do:

disabled HW acceleration

disabled all extensions

private mode

another user profile (version 85 working and then updated to 97.0.1065.0, same behavior, blank tabs)

44 Replies
98.0.1079.0 works fine for me too. Thank you!
Very glad to hear this from both of you! Thanks for all your help pinpointing this and for being willing to work around not being able to submit feedback =)
I'm just glad it didn't go further downstream. I might just go ahead and stay with Canary rather than going back to Dev(when this gets to that level) on those machines so I can report issues earlier.
Edge Canary 98.0.1079.0 work fine, issue is fixed.
Thanks to all Edge team.

@Alexandra-R Issue is still here on 97.0.1072.8 (Official build) dev (64-bit) 


Edit: Fixed! 97.0.1072.13 (Official build) dev (64-bit) Thanks :D