Edge Canary - Version 97.0.1065.0 - empty tabs - reduced context (right click) menu

Brass Contributor

After updating to latest build, the browser doesn't display anything.

page is blank

context menu have only 3 options
none url reachable (no problem from other browsers) - in Dev Tools error message: No resource with given identifier


What have I tried to do:

disabled HW acceleration

disabled all extensions

private mode

another user profile (version 85 working and then updated to 97.0.1065.0, same behavior, blank tabs)

44 Replies

@Alexandra-R Clicking "Start Logging to Disk" does not come up and prompt for a filename(or appear to do anything at all)



Thank you for confirming that, sorry for the bit of roundabout debugging but I really appreciate you continuing to come back on this! The team is looking into what else they might need to dig in here, but actually that log failing was informative in terms of what might be going wrong so here's hoping that's my last obscure troubleshooting ask from you! I'll let you know when I know more =)
Been a developer since the early 90s, so it's no trouble. It's all about what I can do to get you the info you need so this doesn't get out to the release branch.
Thank you so much! Are you able to head over to edge://sandbox and grab a screenshot of the page for me? The top table is what the team is looking for right now, so no need to grab the whole output underneath!

@Alexandra-R For comparison, here's Edge Beta on the same machine..




@Jason Baginski Can you try closing all Edge instances (double check that via Task Manager) and then running Edge from the command line with the --no-sandbox command? 

msedge.exe --no-sandbox https://example.com

@Alexandra-R I get a completely white screen that stays up for about 4 seconds and then closes






Same for me, after clicking Start Logging to Disk button nothing happens, no request for saving log file.

@Jason Baginski Are you always running as Administrator?

Sandboxing vs. Elevated Browsing (As Administrator) – text/plain (textslashplain.com)

Beyond the increased security attack surface, there are some functional problems with running a Chromium-based browser at High IL. For instance, if you have AppLocker enabled, you may find that all of your sandboxed renderer processes crash (crbug.com/740132), or that link launches from non-admin processes are ignored (crbug.com/801539#c9).



running Edge from the command line with the --no-sandbox

as user: same behaviour as Jason (white page, crash in 5 seconds).
as administrator: Edge run but nothing change




Applocker is disabled

@Alexandra-R Server 2016, running as Administrator




Same results with Canary 98.0.1074.0

@Alexandra-R Please answer the following in a response 

  • Browser: 97.0.1069.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)
  • OS: 6.3.9600 Build 9600 (8.1 Pro w/ Media Center x64)
  • Region: EN-US
  • Internal pages load: Yes
  • Reduced context menu on blanks: Yes
  • 3rd party AV/proxy/VPN: No

Additional info:

  • --no-sandbox yields white screen and Edge closes after 4s
  • DevTools > Network > (canceled) as reported by @Jason Baginski 
  • "Reload in Internet Explorer tab" works fine for most sites
  • Related? (see below image)



Same results with Canary 98.0.1077.0

And the same goes on with 98.0.1078.0 :(



Please answer the following in a response 

  • Browser: 97.0.1069.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)
  • Browser: 98.0.1078.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit)
  • OS: 6.3.9600 Build 9600 (8.1 Pro x64)
  • Region: DE
  • Internal pages load: Yes
  • Reduced context menu on blanks: Yes
  • 3rd party AV/proxy/VPN: No

Sandbox screenshot:


For me too. A rhetorical question: are there any plans to fix ?

Edge Canary 98.0.1079.0 fixes the issue. Thank you for all the hard work!