Does uninstalling DEV and going back the latest public release screw the browser up?

Brass Contributor

I uninstalled Edge 2/13/2021 since the latest public release had first screwed up History Panel then released another version 2 days later and fixed it. Then, I find out the HTML Select option menu are freezing even though it was fixed in the late DEV version ????? Is it me and my computer or what???? The HTML option menus seem to freeze when I have SVG text on the page. I guess I'll install DEV again. Hope the History Panel and HTML Select elements work again.

3 Replies
"Does uninstalling DEV and going back the latest public release screw the browser up?"
I'm gonna say no, but the question is not definite enough.

can you post a screenshot of HTML option menus that you are referring to?

SVG text or something in SVG is freezing the HTML Option menu scrolling


I found this 2 weeks ago in the DEV version and it was fixes in

The fix was not applied to Public version.

It takes time until updates available in higher version to be fully validated before rolled out to lower versions.