Dev vs Canary

Silver Contributor

Not real point, here, just an interesting observation; weel, I reckon y'all will find it interesting.

Want to share a difference I discovered between Dev & Canary.  The left is Dev & the right is Canary.  I first took & traditional screen shot then switched to using Snip & Sketch so I could make it up for you.  In Dev it is very similar to current Edge, same phase mid-page under the logo AND basically same Run/Block buttons, plain arrow.  In Canary the phrase claims it's out of date & up top has Update plugin/Run this time buttons, fancy arrows.  When you follow the update instructions, it says it, already, is the latest, so, you hit Run this time & carry on, having gone through a seemingly silly & unneeded ritual, that, really, didn't do anything, in spite of all the update or out of date mentioned.  Supposedly, what's in Canary may 🤷🏻‍:male_sign: come to be in Dev. 



2 Replies


This is an interesting discovery. It seems that this is no longer the case and they now match.


Cool ☺ Things in and with both or each do keep changing.
