Can not get new window handles in Edge IE Mode with Selenium

Copper Contributor



We're using Selenium to automate a web application in IE compatibility mode of Edge browsers, as the web app supports IE only as well as the end of support of IE.


The problem is when a window is popped up, and we call the driver.getWindowHandles, we can not the the handle of the new window.


The environment is as the following:

  • Windows 10 19043.1288 + Edge 94.0.992.50 + IE 11 19043.1288
  • Selenium Server 3.141.59
  • IEDriverServer_Win32_3.150.0

Kindly please advise, thanks a lot!

5 Replies
Thanks for submitting this, @smartekworks. This is a known limitation with the way windows are created in IEMode currently. We are looking at different ways to fix this. What might end up happening is we will land changes in the SeleniumHQ project that will enable automating IEMode more naturally with IEDriverServer. We are in the process right now of building out a design.

Keep the feedback coming!
-John Jansen
Engineering Manager, Edge
Hi @johnjansen, thanks a lot for your response. May I have a rough plan for the new feature in IEDriverServer?
The change has been merged: but I'm not sure when a new release of the IEDriverServer will be released. I wouldn't expect it will take very long.


@johnjansen Thanks for taking the time to help address this issue. Following this thread the fix seems to work intermittently, I can't seem to get it to work for consecutive tests.

thanks for calling my attention to the thread. I've commented there hoping for a repro we can use to test internally.