Apr 20 2022 05:17 AM
Camera device may not be removed from navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() after being unplugged. We tested several PCs with Windows 10 installed.
I modified a sample of WebRTC a bit, which could help reproduce this issue. Here is the sample code.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Open the demo in Edge (build and run the web server first).
2) Select an external camera and approve the access.
3) After capturing started, unplug the camera.
Expected Result:
Unplugged camera device should be removed from enumerateDevices().
Actual Result:
Unplugged camera device is not removed from enumerateDevices().
It's not reproducible always, and possibility varies with different machines.
May 03 2022 06:44 PM
May 04 2022 07:24 PM
@josh_bodner Not yet in Chrome.
May 06 2022 02:43 PM