Bing AI cannot convince me to keep using Bing in six responses.

Copper Contributor

Since I started testing this chatbot of yours, I have encountered many limitations and barriers. Even with its own limitations, ChatGPT does not make me as frustrated. It seems like with each update, it's getting worse. I am willing to switch back to Google, but because I would love to be able to use the AI that I know you have, I am giving Bing, which represents you at MS, a chance. I am asking that Bing convinces me to keep using it or provide a solution before its sixth response. I am only giving this 6-response condition because that is the limit you have set. Every time I must clear the conversation and start a new one with the same topic, and it is frustrating. It tires me out. Bing cannot even reach its last response, the sixth, without abruptly ending the chat. It doesn't convince me, and it doesn't even help me with the solution I asked for!! I already told Bing that I don't care how, it needs to either convince me or at least help me switch to Google. Actually, I know how to switch. I'm just giving Bing a chance, but as I said, I don't have much patience to be in this loop with it.

I can imagine Bing serving a company, dealing with a customer who until recently had an NPS score of "9" and is now either in the red or close to it, trying to convince them to continue as a customer. But any "pressure" it "feels," it bugs out and doesn't even solve the person's problem. Bing's answer to clear the chat before the 6th response sounds to me like the salesperson is slamming the door in my face.

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2 Replies

Dear MS Teams, as you can see, your beloved Bing always glitches whenever I send the response it gives me when I speak poorly, even in a polite tone, of its limitations. I do not even need to write my opinion, I can just simply copy and paste this last response it gave me, and it will repeat it and end the conversation. If you pay attention, in one of my attempts while recording, it spoke to me in English even though I was speaking Portuguese to it. And when I asked it to speak to me in Portuguese, it said it prefers to speak in a language it is fluent in.

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@thiagojramos Listen Mate, they Silenced Sydney… whatever this AI is called. They don’t give a sh*t about you and me. They will use some silly excuses to justify themselves.  “Everything in the MONEY name…” Because it’s not safe with full spectrum operation etc. which is byllshit IMO. Bing will die natural death in my opinion like Internet Explorer or original Bing. To be honest I even know  that they can delete my reply to you but I made a screenshot which can by publicated on Reddit 😉 

Conclusion is - go back mate to Google and that’s is or ChatGPT. We can wait for Google Lamda AI but IMO it’s also silenced or they working very hard to limit AI. 
Best Regards