A keychain cannot be found to store "Microsoft Edge"


With the previous dev update I got this "A keychain cannot be found to store "Microsoft Edge"" message.  I chose "reset to defaults" and it cleared all my cookies etc, leaving me logged in but "not syncing".  Then with today's update (84.0.495.2) I got the same message again.  This time I canceled that dialog and the browser launched, still with "not syncing."  So I signed out and signed back into my MSA profile and got a bunch of "A keychain cannot be found to store <various things Identity wants to store>."  Now the browser is stuck in "setting up sync."  

Suggestions on how to fix and whether more info is needed to report a bug?


30 Replies

@Shaun Parfett @Ryanbowley Thank you both for reporting this! It sounds like we're seeing a recent resurgence of the issue, so we're reaching out to the Mac team right now. If you haven't yet, please also submit diagnostics through the browser ("..." menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback) as it provides our devs with logs.


Fawkes (they/them)
Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

@Shaun Parfett @Ryanbowley The team confirmed that they're actively looking into this. However, they said it would be really helpful to know your specific MAU (Microsoft AutoUpdate) versions. This isn't personally-identifiable information, and would help them troubleshoot. If you two, and anyone else who's seeing this issue again could provide the following, our devs would appreciate it:


1. Check your MAU versions by navigating to/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/ 
2. Then highlight Microsoft AutoUpdate.app -- The version should show up on the right.
3. Comment below with what that version number is. (See the screenshot for an example.)

mac mau.jpg 

Fawkes (they/them)
Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

@Deleted The worst part is the issue never went away for me. I have submitted several feedback submissions but have gotten no results, just annoying popups. 


And why is it every time Edge updates (Which is a lot) all my extension passwords have to be re-entered? Extremely annoying. I could see having an update that forced this bi-annually but every other week? 

@Deleted 4.29.20110804.  i get this error after every update.  at one point i had i was in the beta build program if that helps at all for all the other MS products but i am now only on the stable builds

@haligasd Thank you! I just passed that on to the correct dev.


@AJB_Daddler, if you're comfortable providing your MAU version as well, that would help us fix this as soon as possible.


Fawkes (they/them)
Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

@Deleted MAU version? Don't know what that is. If it's the version of edge I am running that should be: Microsoft Edge is up to date.Version 86.0.622.69 (Official build) (64-bit).


Just updated and pop-up has appeared twice within 5 min. arrggg.....

Please fix it ASAP.
Microsoft Edge is up to date.Version 86.0.622.69 (Official build) (64-bit).
> pwd
/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app/Contents
> plutil -p Info.plist
"BuildMachineOSBuild" => "19G2021"
"CFBundleDevelopmentRegion" => "en"
"CFBundleDisplayName" => "Microsoft AutoUpdate"
"CFBundleExecutable" => "Microsoft AutoUpdate"
"CFBundleIconFile" => "AppIcon"
"CFBundleIconName" => "AppIcon"
"CFBundleIdentifier" => "com.microsoft.autoupdate2"
"CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion" => "6.0"
"CFBundleName" => "Microsoft AutoUpdate"
"CFBundlePackageType" => "APPL"
"CFBundleShortVersionString" => "4.29"
"CFBundleSignature" => "MSau"
"CFBundleSupportedPlatforms" => [
0 => "MacOSX"
"CFBundleURLTypes" => [
0 => {
"CFBundleURLSchemes" => [
0 => "updateoffice"
"CFBundleVersion" => "4.29.20110804"
"CSFlags" => 73728
"DTCompiler" => "com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0"
"DTPlatformBuild" => "12A7209"
"DTPlatformName" => "macosx"
"DTPlatformVersion" => "10.15.6"
"DTSDKBuild" => "19G68"
"DTSDKName" => "macosx10.15"
"DTXcode" => "1200"
"DTXcodeBuild" => "12A7209"
"LSHasLocalizedDisplayName" => 1
"LSMinimumSystemVersion" => "10.10"
"MbuLoggingFullLegacyUpload" => 1
"MicrosoftBuildIncrement" => "4"
"MicrosoftBuildNumber" => "201108"
"NSAppTransportSecurity" => {
"NSAllowsArbitraryLoads" => 1
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" => "© 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
"NSMainNibFile" => "SAUMainWindow"
"NSPrincipalClass" => "SAUApplication"
"OfficeLegacyVersion" => "4.29.1108.0"

@Laris_Qiao @Bruce_Lowekamp @AJB_Daddler @haligasd @Shaun Parfett Hi all, I wanted to provide you with an update on the keychain error.


We are actively working with Apple to address this. In the meantime, we suggest clicking Cancel on the keychain error dialog and restarting your Mac device to resolve the issue.


Fawkes (they/them)
Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

@Deleted Nope didn't work. the persistent error keeps coming up. Talk about a pain..........


Any true fixes in store. 

Have an error, EDGE is trying to use Keychain. How to stop using Keychain at all ? I am having EDGE for M1. Having a message, there is option deny, but the message coming back ?


Hi Fawkes,


Have your team managed with Apple's help to figure out the root cause? I'd be grateful if you could share the details.

I have a very similar issue with my app: "A keychain cannot be found to store ..." popup occasionally appears after the app is restarted by management script and your case seems to be the closest of what I've managed to find.