Strange Microsoft Add-In XML Error

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


I'm running into a strange Add-In issue specific only to Native Outlook running on Windows version 1903. Our Add-In works for Native Outlook running on Windows versions later than 1903 just fine.


The problem is that when you open our web Add-In in Native Outlook, you should be able to click a div which triggers a network request and then changes the state of the application in React. The actual behavior is that no network request is triggered and the state is not changed. Again, this behavior works fine on Windows 10 versions later than 1903.


I've tried logging the behavior using Microsoft Edge's DevTools, but the only error I see is `XML5632: Only one root element is allowed.` at index.html (1,1). This is the only output from the Add-In that I can see-- none of my console logs actually show up in the console.


My guess is that perhaps the JavaScript rendering engine responsible for running web-based Microsoft Add-Ins on native Outlook for Windows version 1903 is not Chromium-based, thus a bug in how the JavaScript rendering engine (pre-Chromium Edge?) interprets the XML and/or JS, but again that's just a guess.


In any case, I would be grateful if anyone that has run into this issue before has any ideas, suggestions, fixes, or workarounds because at this point I am totally stuck.


1 Reply

I found your post while searching for ways to bust the cache on my add-in (it keeps loading "old" HTML). However, I'm wondering if you ever found the solution to your issue....