How to Restrict DNS Zone Scavenging When Hosting Multiple Zones on Multiple Servers
Published Sep 20 2018 03:19 AM 2,678 Views

First published on TechNet on Feb 02, 2015
Dougga here – PFE (or “poofy” as one of my customers likes to call us). The DNS scavenging topic never dies - bear with me and I will reveal a not so obvious configuration to control which servers can scavenge a zone. Let's go with a simple multi-domain forest named that has 3 child domains and AD integrated DNS configured to replicate as shown in the table below and try to not have more than 1 or 2 scavenging severs per DNS zone.




Scavenging server

Domain replicated in contoso


Forest replicated


Domain replicated in child1


Domain replicated in child2


Domain replicated in child 3


In this example, each child zone has a scavenging server and since the zone is replicated forest wide that zone will have a total 4 scavenging servers. This breaks the only 1 or 2 scavenging servers per zone goal. If you have more domains or DNS zones stored in custom DNS zones this only gets worse. In a complex environment, you may not be able to prevent over-scavenging by just using the GUI. By now you hopefully have read other posts on scavenging covering the basics, and if you haven't take a few minutes to review it. I am going to cover a setting that is not in the GUI setup that gives us a way to solve the problem. How to configure the setting This is a zone setting (so it will be replicated) that is configured using a DNScmd or powershell. DNSCMD <Server> /ZoneResetScavengeServers <DNS zone> <IP address(es)
Set-DnsServerZoneAging <DNS zone> -ScavengingServers <IP address(es)
The normal configuration of setting up zone aging and choosing a scavenging server still must be done (see the link above). By default any owner of the DNS zone can scavenge if the server is configured to scavenge using the properties of the DNS server in the DNS management console. So, let’s start digging in to how this works. In this case I am showing you how to prevent the child domain controllers/DNS servers from scavenging What does the default look like? To demonstrate what is currently configured use DNSCMD or PowerShell. I will be showing both DNSCMD and the equivalent powershell 4.0 commands. DNSCMD /zoneinfo
<DNSCMD> C:dnscmd /zoneinfo Zone query result: Zone info:
ptr = 000000F9FE14D110
zone name =
zone type = 1
shutdown = 0
paused = 0
update = 2
DS integrated = 1
read only zone = 0
in DS loading queue = 0
currently DS loading = 0
data file = (null)
using WINS = 0
using Nbstat = 0
aging = 1
refresh interval = 168
no refresh = 168
scavenge available = 3629660
Zone Masters NULL IP Array.
Zone Secondaries NULL IP Array.
secure secs = 3
directory partition = AD-Forest flags 00000019
zone DN =,cn=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=contoso,DC=com
Command completed successfully. <END OF DNSCMD OUTPUT> <POWERSHELL> C:> Get-DnsServerZoneaging ZoneName :
AgingEnabled : True
AvailForScavengeTime : 1/21/2015 8:00:00 AM
RefreshInterval : 7.00:00:00
NoRefreshInterval : 7.00:00:00
ScavengeServers : <END OF POWERSHELL OUTPUT> Making the change - what it looks like if it is restricted In my example the IP address of ContosoDC1 is You can restrict which servers are allowed to scavenge by using DNSCMD or powershell. DNSCMD /ZoneResetScavengeServers
Set-DnsServerZoneAging -ScavengingServers
C:> dnscmd /zoneinfo Zone query result: Zone info:
ptr = 000000FAC8E2D100
zone name =
zone type = 1
shutdown = 0
paused = 0
update = 2
DS integrated = 1
read only zone = 0
in DS loading queue = 0
currently DS loading = 0
data file = (null)
using WINS = 0
using Nbstat = 0
aging = 1
refresh interval = 168
no refresh = 168
scavenge available = 3629660
Zone Masters NULL IP Array.
Zone Secondaries NULL IP Array.
secure secs = 3
directory partition = AD-Forest flags 00000019
zone DN =,cn=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=contoso,DC=com Scavenge Servers Ptr = 000000FAC8E2EAF0
MaxCount = 1
AddrCount = 1
Server[0] => af=2, salen=16, [sub=0, flag=00000000] p=
0, addr= Command completed successfully <END OF DNSCMD OUTPUT> <POWERSHELL> C:> Get-DnsServerZoneaging ZoneName :
AgingEnabled : True
AvailForScavengeTime : 1/21/2015 8:00:00 AM
RefreshInterval : 7.00:00:00
NoRefreshInterval : 7.00:00:00
ScavengeServers : <END OF POWERSHELL OUTPUT> Resetting to Default - If No IP addresses are defined and any DNS server can scavenge To reset to the default to allow any server to scavenge, the IP address(es) need to be removed. This can be done with DNSCMD or PowerShell. DNSCMD /ZoneResetScavengeServers
Set-DnsServerZoneAging -ScavengingServers $NULL
What does scavenging look like when this is configured correctly? When a DNS server attempts to scavenge because you triggered it or because it is scheduled, event ID 2502 is triggered. For scavenging to actually delete stale DNS records these conditions need to be met: 1) Server properties of a DNS server configured to scavenge. AND 2) Zone configured to age records AND 3) Records in the zone are stale (greater than no-refresh and refresh combined) AND 4) Non-GUI Configuration a. By default all zones are configured to allow all DNS server hosting the zone to scavenge. OR b. Only if the IP address configured on the zone matches the IP address of the server performing the scavenging (remember this is not visible in the GUI). When this should be used Use this setting to restrict a particular zone from being over-scavenged because it is a forest replicated zone with multiple DNS servers hosting other DNS zones that are not forest replicated. When this should NOT be used This should not be used on environments that do not need to minimize the number of scavenging servers. Perfect example is a single domain with a single DNS name space. Another example would be if all DNS zones are replicated in the same context such as forest replicated zones. Risks Be careful to understand this configuration because it can get confusing. If an administrator looks only at the GUI configuration, they may get confused why it is not scavenging. This has been the issue in several cases I was involved with helping. Nothing is visible in the GUI that this is configured so it is very easily missed and likely not known. If the scavenging is changed to a different server or change the IP address of the scavenging server, scavenging will quietly stop being effective in its job. This will drive you crazy because it will all look fine.

Dougga "You know how to pronounce it" Gabbard

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Last update:
‎Feb 20 2020 06:16 AM
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