First published on TECHNET on Apr 09, 2019
Hello All,
Here are some quick rule to explain it very clearly on how the limits work:
You can read more about the solutions here
Next question was changing ownership using PowerShell you can write a script based on this example:
NOTE: 1) These PowerShell modules are in Preview and can change often and dramatically, 2) You cannot remove original owner
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# Adds owners to flow and attempts to remove an owner Note: You cannot remove original owner
# -Run this script from elevated prompt
# Don't forget to: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# Written by Chris Weaver (
# Create date: 3/15/2019
$AdminLoginName = ""
$OldPowerAppUserName = $AdminLoginName
$NewPowerAppUserName = ""
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber
$AdminCred = Get-Credential -UserName $AdminLoginName -Message "Enter admin creds"
Add-PowerAppsAccount -Username $AdminCred.UserName -Password $AdminCred.Password
Connect-MsolService -Credential $AdminCred
$PowerAppUserID = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $OldPowerAppUserName).ObjectId
$NewPowerAppUserID = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $NewPowerAppUserName).ObjectId
Get-Adminflow | ForEach-Object {
$FlowOwnerRoleObj = Get-AdminFlowOwnerRole -FlowName $_.FlowName -EnvironmentName $_.EnvironmentName
$FlowOwnerID = $FlowOwnerRoleObj.PrincipalObjectId
$FlowOwnerRoleID = $FlowOwnerRoleObj.RoleID
if ($FlowOwnerID -eq $PowerAppUserID)
Remove-AdminFlowOwnerRole -FlowName $_.FlowName -EnvironmentName $_.EnvironmentName -RoleId $FlowOwnerRoleID
Set-AdminFlowOwnerRole -FlowName $_.FlowName -EnvironmentName $_.EnvironmentName -RoleName CanEdit -PrincipalType User -PrincipalObjectId $NewPowerAppUserID
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