What SQL editions are included with MEMCM SA license?

Copper Contributor

SQL technology is included with our SA agreement for MEMCM according to this product reference:


There is no differentiation listed of SQL editions (Standard or Enterprise). Does that indicate we can use any SQL edition if it is solely for MEMCM? We manage over 60,000 systems in our environment and know that Enterprise edition is required for the CAS. Any links to official documentation clarifying which SQL editions (not versions) can be used for CM would be greatly appreciated.

3 Replies

@SHANE RODGERS, you are entitled to SQL Server Standard.  And are only allowed to utilize the databases you referenced in your FAQ.  In your VL portal, under MEMCM you should have a SQL download option.  And you don't need enterprise for a CAS. 

@Ascent_TK Thanks for the reply. According to this link, we do need Enterprise for a CAS with more than 50,000 clients. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/core/plan-design/configs/size-and-scale-numbers#bkmk_... . Unless that has changed and the documentation needs to be updated?

@SHANE RODGERS for 60,000 computer you do NOT need a CAS and don't want one either!


SQL Standard edition will support over 100,000 devices on a single primary site.