Please add ability to set Registry Keys including "Run Once" and "Remove when no longer applied".

Iron Contributor

I have been a Windows Group Policy admin since Windows NT 3.51 when we had to use batch files, VB and kix script to create registry keys on computers.  

In Windows 2000 with the addition of Group Policy Preferences and the ability to "run once" and "remove when no longer applied" allowed us the ability to manage massive outages and deploy registry keys to all computers in 90 min. When working with Hospitals this is CRITICAL to patient care.

I have been asked to migrate my 5000 Group Policies including ADMX, Preferences, Shortcuts, Variables, File Copy, etc for 100,000 hospital computers into Intune.

InTune has no functionality to apply preferences like Group Policy, SCCM, Tachyon, Airwatch etc.

So I have about 2000 settings for specific software that I cannot script because there is no "RUN ONCE" or "Remove when no longer applied" option with Scripts? 

I cannot believe that Microsoft has gone BACK to Windows NT as far as lack of functionality. I hope they get their act together. If Tachyon can do it and SCCM then Intune can. It is not that difficult to code.

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