Application deployed to User Collection not displayed in Software Center

Copper Contributor


I have a problem at a customer where all apps deployed to a user collection are not displayed in software center.

After digging, I have found the following errors in SCClient_<Domain>@user.log


The exact translation is ;

GetCategoryValuesAsync: There was no endpoint listening at https://xxx/CMUserService_WindowsAuth/applicationviewservice.asmx that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.. Unable to fetch user categories, no endpoint found. (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.ViewModels.SoftwareListViewModel+<LoadAppCatalogApplicationsAsync>d__164 at MoveNext)


It's followed by the same error message with d__125 as you can see in the screenshots.

This server is a single server hosting MP / DP / SQL etc.. installed by myself (Current Branch 2107).

It's fully https and I never installed and removed Application Catalog role.

In the beginning of this year, app deployment to users was fully functional.

We have Co-Management installed.


Can anyone help me please?


7 Replies
Have you check if application catalogue role wasn't installed from old build ?
If you see this role remove it, when done, change a Software Center setting in client policy and update computer policy
Application Catalog needs to be removed before upgrading to 2107. These features have been deprecated:
To both of you :
". installed by myself (Current Branch 2107).
It's fully https and I never installed and removed Application Catalog role"
The application catalog was NEVER installed on this MECM server.
I have opened a case with MS. If we find a solution, I'll let you know.
Sorry, I understood your ConfigMgr Server was fine in the beginning of this year, 2107 wasn’t available before August.
2107 is not a base build and required to install 2103 prior to upgrade. I was thinking someone has installed 2103 with the application catalog and you successfully upgraded in 2107 then the problem start
No problem. I have looked everywhere for this message and cannot find anything close to a solution... that's why I opened a case with MS. I'll let you know when this is solved.

@Aventador06 Good day. I know this is very old, but I seem to be having a similar issue recently. Did you ever get a fix for this from MS?

@ThEGr33k Hi,

Indeed, after many months looking for the problem, I finally found the right guy at MS that, after a full frame capture, was able to point to the source of the problem: the GlobalProctect VPN client is, somewhere in the middle between the client computer and the MECM server, removing the user's identity.

We were able to reproduce the problem by removing GlobalProtect from the equation, but this is not an option for this customer (who's using it even when the computers are connected to the LAN...), so we gave up and decided that all deployments would be sent to computers and not users.

We didn't contact GlobalProtect to see if there were a solution to this because we've lost almost a year searching for the problem.

Hope this helps you