Windows 10 Mail App, es-ES - The Archive Message feature displays a wrong text bar

Iron Contributor
Description When archiving emails, even if it's only one, the text bar display "Archivados" in plural.
Language es-ES
Screenshot Captura_23.PNG
Steps 1. Open the Mail app.
2. Create a mail.
3. Type anything and send it to oneself.
4. Select the received mail and archive it.
Build 17.9029.22105.0
Current translation Archivados
Suggested translation Archivado completo
Reason for change To avoid a number issue, I suggest using "Archivado completo" (Archiving complete), which would work for just one or more mails.
Corresponding English text Archived
2 Replies
Just for the record, this error also applies when deleting a message ("Eliminados" is displayed when just one mail is deleted). I know this one doesn't count as the contest is already over, but I thought it was worth sharing.

Hi @Álvaro Jimeno - While the competition deadline had passed for this "eliminados" report only your other entries made it into the competition. We really do appreciate your honesty and would like to thank you for sharing these.  As we review them and hopefully implement your feedback we will report the status of each issue in the Competition PowerBI Dashboard.


Thanks again,
