Windows 10 Mail App, es-ES - "Subject" inconsistency

Iron Contributor
Description "Subject" translation seems inconsistent.
Language es-ES
Screenshot Capture_01.PNG
Steps 1. Open the Mail app.
2. Click on New mail.
Build 17.9029.22105.0
Current translation Tema
Suggested translation Asunto
Reason for change I believe that "asunto" has been the usual translation for some time. Right now, when creating a mail and saving it as a draft, when displaying it on the list of mails, it says "(sin asunto)," rendering it inconsistent.
Corresponding English text Subject
1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno ...Our Spanish moderator will take a look at this inconsistency and we will get back to you in our Competition PowerBI Dashboard.

Thanks for entering our competition and for your feedback! Stafford