Windows 10 Mail App, es-ES - "Serbia and Montenegro (Former)" mistranslation

Iron Contributor
Description The string "Serbia and Montenegro (Former)" seems mistranslated in the language dropdown.
Language es-ES
Screenshot Capture_11.PNG
Steps 1. Open the Mail app.
2. Click on New mail.
3. Select Options > language dropdown.
Build 17.9029.22105.0
Current translation (cirílico, Serbia y Montenegro (Anterior))
Suggested translation (cirílico, ex república de Serbia y Montenegro)
Reason for change "Former" here conveys the previous existence of Serbia and Montenegro as a republic. "Anterior" is not correct in this context, so I'd like to suggest "exrepública" to be aligned with what seems like a previous translation of yours in the MS termbase and to avoid brackets inside of brackets.
Corresponding English text (cyrillic, Serbia and Montenegro (Former))
1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno ...Many thanks for the reporting this and for entering our competition! Our Spanish moderator will take a look at your suggestion and we will get back to you in our Competition PowerBI Dashboard.

Regards, Stafford