Teams in Swedish: Keyboard shortcuts window

Iron Contributor

Description of the issue:

Some words (the tabs in the left pane) should be written with capital letters also in Swedish. The shortcut arrow keys have not been translated at all.


Language affected: Swedish


  1. The Alt + / shortcut (Show keyboard shortcuts) doesn’t work on Swedish keyboards since slash is on Shift + 7.
  2. English: List slash commands
    Current: Lista över /-kommandon           
    Suggested: Lista över /kommandon OR Lista över slashkommandon
  3. English: Open Activity
    Current: Öppna aktivitet        
    Suggested: Öppna Aktivitet
  4. English: Open Chat
    Current: Öppna chatt              
    Suggested: Öppna Chatt
  5. English: Open Microsoft Teams
    Current: Öppna Microsoft Teams           
    Suggested: Öppna Teams (as we here are talking about the Team tab in the left pane, not the whole app)
  6. English: Open Meetings
    Current: Öppna möten           
    Suggested: Öppna Möten
  7. English: Open Files                           
    Current: Öppna filer                
    Suggested: Öppna Filer
  8. English: Up/Down/Left/Right
    Current: not translated           
    Suggested: Upp/Ned/Vänster/Höger
  9. English: Toggle full editor
    Current: Växla fullständig redigerare           
    Suggested: Expandera/minimera textruta (consistent with the textbox button alt text)
  10. English: Jump to goto slash command
    Current: Gå till goto/-kommando
    Suggested: Gå direkt till /gåtill-kommando
  11. English: Reply to thread
    Current: Svar i tråd                  
    Suggested: Svara i tråd




Steps to reproduce the issue: Open shortcuts window (/keys)


Platform: Microsoft Teams, version (Windows 64-bit)

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