Skype - Mojis not reachable on Spanish words.

When try to reach for a Mojis using spanish word for love = "amor" nothing display, same for other words. I don't know if this was by design but if we're using a tool on our language we would like to reach anything on the same language.


  • Description of the issue encountered : Mojis no reachable on Spanish
  • Language affected: Spanish Mexico
  • Screenshot of the issue

  • Steps to reproduce the issue

On a windows chat, insert emoticon, then select Mojis tab, try to reach any Moji on Spanish and won't display.


  • OS or Platform (e.g. Windows 10, Windows 7, Android, iOS, Mac, Web)



  • Build Version #


  • Current translation -  if you can add Mojis translated for each language, would be really cool.



  • Suggested translation and reason(s) for changeMojis should be reachable using other language than English




  • Corresponding English Text (if known): 



3 Replies
Hi Rodolfo, thanks for the feedback. We cannot see the inserted image. Could you try to attach the image in the post? It would help us understand the problem and possibly address it. Really appreciate your efforts! Bests, Do Hee.

Hi, I'm attaching the image here. Is that ok?

Absolutely. Thanks!