Skype: Inconvenient use of SAR in country list - esES

Iron Contributor

Description: SAR (Special Administrative Region) is used inconsistently in the country list.
Language: esES

Issue 09.PNG

Steps: Launch Skype > Go to Settings > Scroll down and select the country dropdown list.
OS: Windows 10
Build: 12.1813.286.0
Current translation: Macao RAE
Suggested translation: Macao (RAE)
Reason: The use of "RAE" as translation of "SAR" is not consistent. For instance, Hong Kong RAE has been translated as "RAE de Hong Kong," so whenever someone searches for "Hong Kong," they won't be able to find it on the H, but on the R. I suggest placing (RAE) in brackets at the end of the sentence for a more intuitive search.
English source: SAR Macao

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