Skype: Grammar mismatch in SMS Settings - esES

Iron Contributor

Description: The dropdown list in the SMS Settings contains options that don't match grammatically with the title of the list.
Language: esES

Issue 14.PNG

Steps: Launch Skype > Go to Settings > Scroll down until the SMS settings.
OS: Windows 10
Build: 12.1813.286.0
Current translation: Descargar mensajes de / Último mes / Último año / De cualquier momento
Suggested translation: Descargar mensajes anteriores / Último mes / Último año / Todos
Reason: To avoid grammar mismatches like "mensajes de último mes" or "mensajes de de cualquier momento," I suggest simplifying the translations. I guess it's easier to modify the title than the dropdown elements. Also, I suggested "Todos" to convey "Anytime" because "De cualquier momento" seems like a literal translation and doesn't really convey "all messages."
English source: Download messages from / Last month / Last year / Anytime

2 Replies
Wow~, many thanks for all these reports from you, Álvaro! Would you also try to look at your mobile version of Skype to see what issues you may find? :) It would further help us refine our localization quality. Regards, Do Hee

Thanks, Do Hee! I will try my best, although I'm not sure if I'll have time to do so. In any case, if I see anything else on PC, I'll share it with you.