PowerPoint Live Caption - German - Privacy Settings in Windows 10


Hi there,

if I globally disable the access from to my microphone in the Windows 10 privacy settings, I get a message from PowerPoint, that subtitles are not available. This message looks like the following screenshots in English and German.






I think the translation of Windows microphone privacy settings into Windows-Mikrofondaten Schutzeinstellungen is not optimal and errorneous in German. Suggestion: Überprüfen Sie die Zugriffseinstellungen zu Ihrem Mikrofon in den Windows-Datenschutzeinstellungen, und starten ...

Note: my suggestion is not 100 percent equal to the English version, as I added to check the access settings for avoiding to duplicate Datenschutz.


I have a question too: in my Windows Privacy Settings, I can enable/disable the access to my microphone. When enabling this setting, I can allow or disallow the access for several app listed there, such as Cortana, Calendar, OneNote and so on. If I disable them all, my microphone remains accessible by PowerPoint. So, my question is, why is PowerPoint not listed in the list of apps?




1 Reply

Hi @Mourad Louha 

Thanks for the suggestion. Our German Moderator will take a look at it. We will also try to get an answer on your question from the PowerPoint and or Windows teams. Regards, Staff