Office Templates - Word - Blue Spheres Letterhead - German


Hi there,

I have on one hand some questions about the Word Template Blue Spheres Letterhead and on another hand some suggestion/issues.

First, my questions: is there a reason why content controls are used - especially for the content text below the salutation? I think, many (may be novice) users will not know how to edit the content control text. Perhaps they will try to double click, but then nothing happens. Or they will delete the content control and then ask themselves, if this was intended and correct. If it is intended that the user deletes the content control for adding his own text, would it make sense to add a hint or explain that in the content control text?


I would like to suggest a change for the second paragraph of the content text as follows for German: 

Schauen Sie sich im Menüband auf der Registerkarte Entwurf verschiedene Designs, Farben und Schriften an, um aus einer Vielzahl von Optionen eine Vorschau auf das unterschiedliche Aussehen zu erhalten. Klicken Sie dann einfach auf die Schaltfläche, um die gewünschte Auswahl anzuwenden.

I would like to suggest a change for the second sentence from the third paragraph of the content text as follows for German: Schauen Sie sich im Menüband auf der Registerkarte Start um - im Formatvorlagen-Katalog finden Sie alle Formatvorlagen, die in diesem Brief verwendet werden.

If it would be possible to also translate the used styles differing from the default ones, that would be great and helpful.image.png




1 Reply

Hi @Mourad Louha 

I think your point about content controls and novice users is a valid. We will find out why and see if it can be changed. Our German Moderator will take a look at your translation suggestions. We will also figure out if style can be translated. 

Thanks so much!
