Office Templates - PowerPoint - School presentation with Dinos - German


Hi there,

there are some issues in the Office Template School Report Presentation with Dinosaur Models for PowerPoint. In the German version, the proofing language is set to English for all text fields. Therefore many terms are highlighted by a red line. The proofing language should be set to German for all concerned fields/shapes.


On the third slide of the German version (also shown above in the screenshot), there is a text using the word Gliederung as translation of outline, what is not correct in this context. Umrandung would be better, so that the text would be: Verwenden Sie die Textfelder, die mit einer grau gepunkteten Umrandung angezeigt werden, um Ihren Inhalt einzufügen.

The fifth slide shows in German for the second paragraph the same text as on the slide before and does not correspond to the English original. I suggest to replace Smart-Art by Diagramm in this text, so that we have ... Einfügen nach der Diagramm-Schaltfläche oder klicken ...




1 Reply

Hi @Mourad Louha 

Great suggestion. Thanks for sending it our way and entering the competition!

