Office Templates - PowerPoint - How to ace a Skype interview - Russian

Not applicable

Hello team,

The overall quality of the text is very good. It is obviously not a machine translation, but a version already checked by humans and released somewhere.

However here I have some corrections:

Slide 2

  • Make a test call to check your equipment one day before: There is a nonagreement in the translation вызов для проверки оборудование. It should be either вызов для проверки оборудования or вызов, чтобы проверить оборудование
  • Check your privacy settings to make sure you can receive the interviewer’s call: Comma missing after the word человека. Correct variant: от человека, проводящего собеседование

Slide 3

  • State your interest in the position: Comma missing after the word Скажите. Correct variant: Скажите, насколько вам интересна вакансия
  • Thank the interviewer for his or her time: It would be better to avoid any alternative M/F gender forms in pronouns его или ее (his or her) and to rephrase the sentence, for example за уделенное вам время (~ for the time spent on you)
  • Ask about next steps in the process and when to follow up: Comma missing after the word Спросите and double space after the word этап. Correct variant: Спросите, каков будет следующий этап и когда его ожидать
1 Reply

Hi @Deleted 

Thanks for all these suggestions! Our Russian language moderator will take a close look to see what we can implement. Thanks so much for suggesting them!
