Office Templates: Japanese: inappropriate cultural id is in some construct files in template files

Steel Contributor
This is NOT cosmetic or translation issue and issue is that inappropriate cultural id in some construct files in the template files. Although I think it might not impact to functionality (but who knows), it’s worth to check and clean them up - they should be corrected anyway.
File name: blue-spheres-letterhead_27139010_TF34279830.dotx
Inappropriate value:
<w:lang w:val="en-IN" w:eastAsia="en-IN”/>
Expect: the ll-cc values are wrong, they should be ja-JP (and probably "eastAsia" can be omitted) 
Inappropriate value:
<w:lang w:val="ja-JP" w:eastAsia="zh-CN...
Comment: I think "eastAsia" can be omitted, but please confirm.
File name: filter-function_27139030_TF00513226.xltx
(xl\drawings\drawing(x).xml)   (x) is numeric value
Inappropriate value:
<a:rPr lang="ja-JP" altLang="it-IT”….
<a:rPr lang="it-IT”…
Expect: 'altLang="it-IT”' shouldn't be there, and 'lang="it-IT”' should be 'lang="ja-JP”'
Comment: I referred German template file to check if the altLang exists but I cannot find the altLang in German template file.
File name: How-to-ace-a-Skype-interview_27138780_TF16411062.potx
Inappropriate value:
<a:rPr lang="en-US" altLang="ja-JP”/>
Expected: <a:rPr lang="ja-JP”/> (no altLang)
Comment: I don't know how the template files are localized but the inappropriate cultural id could be injected from OS environment if I understand correctly. The template files should be clean.
1 Reply

Thanks for sending this our way @Kazuto Shibata . The templates will be cleaned before publishing. We need to investigate this a bit more to see if they can be changed/removed.

