Office Template - PowerPoint - Skype Interview - Sources are translated

Iron Contributor
Description:The referenced sources appear translated, while I'm not sure they're actually translated.
Current translation:Fuentes: Encuesta Futurestep Executive 2015; Sandbox Advisors, Clava tu Entrevista en Vídeo, 2016;
Maxie McCoy, Cómo tener una entrevista por Skype inolvidable, 2016
Change:Fuentes: Encuesta Futurestep Executive 2015; Sandbox Advisors, Crack Your Video Interview, 2016;
Maxie McCoy, How to have an unforgettable Skype interview, 2016
English Text:Sources: Futurestep Executive Survey 2015; Sandbox Advisors, Crack Your Video Interview, 2016;
Maxie McCoy, How to have an unforgettable Skype interview, 2016
Reason:If the sources are not translated, using a non-official translation will certainly be misleading. I suggest leaving the sources names in English (in italics) and, at best, adding their translations in brackets as an FYI to the user.
Screenshot:Issue 58.PNG
1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno 

We hope life is treating you well! Thanks for the suggestion and for entering the competition! Our Spanish moderator will take a look at them. 

