Office Template - Excel - FILTER Function - Several errors in the Example 3 header

Iron Contributor
Description:The column names Product and Units are not uppercase, the verb tense used is a calque from English, the translation of 'greater than' is not appropriate with numbers, and the thousand separator should be removed in 4-digit numbers. Also, the English says 'column' in singular, while referring to two columns (Product and Units).
Current translation:En este ejemplo, estamos filtrando la columna productos y unidades por todos los valores mayores que 5.000.
Change:En este ejemplo, vamos a filtrar las columnas Producto y Unidades por todos los valores superiores a 5000.
English Text:In this example, we're filtering the Product and Units column by all vaues greater than 5,000.
Reason:Same as the Description. I suggest looking for all instances of 'greater than' ("mayor que", "mayores que") and apply the change to sound more natural. Also, in Spanish, 4-digit numbers don't contain thousand separators, and 5-digit and beyond numbers contain a non-breaking space (instead of a comma, like English does). Last but not least, I'd suggest reviewing each tab's headers to polish calques, like the use of present continuous, which is not correct in Spanish.
Screenshot:Issue 22.PNG
1 Reply

Hi @Álvaro Jimeno 

Our Spanish moderator will take a look at your suggestion. Thanks for entering the competition!