Office Template - Excel - FILTER Function - Several errors in Syntax tab table

Iron Contributor
Description:The table in the Syntax tab contains a potential terminology issue (array), several calques and punctuation issues, and a general lack of readability.
Current translation:Issue 26.PNG
Change:El rango o matriz a filtrar
Una matriz booleana cuya altura o cuyo ancho son los mismos que los de la matriz
El valor para devolver todos los valores de la matriz "incluir" que son del tipo FALSO
English Text:Issue 26_b.PNG
Reason:This table needs deeper reviewing because, as is, it can't be understood. Argument descriptions should be as precise as possible, and since this looks MT output, it won't help the users understand what the arguments do.
1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno 

Thanks for the suggestions and for entering the competition! Our Spanish moderator will take a look at them.