Office Template - Excel - FILTER Function - Several errors in Errors tab tooltip

Iron Contributor
Description:The Keep in Mind tooltip contains a grammar issue, and its readability could also be improved.
Current translation:TENGA EN CUENTA
¡Asegúrese de no borrar algo importante accidentalmente cuando esté quitando bloqueos!
¡Asegúrese de no borrar algo importante accidentalmente cuando esté desbloqueando fórmulas!
English Text:KEEP IN MIND
Make sure you don't accidentally delete anything important when you're removing blockages!
Reason:Both errors are due to a lack of DO, so they don't read well.
Screenshot:Issue 32.PNG
1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno 

Our Spanish moderator will take a look at your suggestion. Thanks for entering the competition!