Office 365 (Word), esES - Inconsistent terminology + gender issue in the Translator feature

Iron Contributor

Description: The Translator dialog box contains a term that is not consistent and a gender issue. Moreover, this string seems to have been correctly translated elsewhere.
Language: Spanish (esES)
Current translation: Los servicios inteligentes funcionan en todas las aplicaciones de Office para ayudarle a ser más productivo.
Suggested translation: Los Servicios inteligentes funcionan en todas las aplicaciones de Office para ayudarle a aumentar su productividad.
Reason: I'm suggesting the other translation in your termbase, which seems like the correct one to me.
English text: Intelligent services work across all Office apps to help you be more productive.
1. Launch Word.
2. Write something.
3. Go to the Review tab.
4. Click on the Translate icon and select the first option.
5. Check the dialog box.
Platform: Word
Build: v1803, b9126.2152

Issue 03.PNG

1 Reply

Thanks for reporting this @Álvaro Jimeno. Our Spanish Moderator will take a look at your suggestion and we will come back to you via our Competitions PowerBI dashboard. Thanks, Staff