Office 365 (Powerpoint), esES - Suggestion for "dashes" in Graphics Outline when editing SVG images

Iron Contributor

Description: "Dashes," and not "hyphens," are usually translated as "rayas" into Spanish.
Language: Spanish (esES)
Current translation: Guiones
Suggested translation: Rayas
Reason: The term "guion" is polysemic, and the closest it relates to "dash" is when it's a punctuation mark, not a design mark. For that purpose, to better convey that "dashes" are design marks, and also to be consistent with the current translation of "dash" in Spanish, I would like to suggest using "rayas" to be more clear on these two points. When checking this feature, the "Guiones" option made me think of en dashes and scripts (movie scripts), as "guion" also means "script" in Spanish. "Raya" could avoid this ambiguity.
English text: Dashes
1. Launch Powerpoint.
2. Go to the Insert tab > Images, and select a SVG image of your own.
3. Go to the Format tab (Chart Tools), if not already there.
4. Click on Graphics Outline.
Platform: Powerpoint
Build: v1803, b9126.2152

Issue 09.PNG

1 Reply

Hola @Álvaro Jimeno Thanks for pointing it out! Our Spanish Moderator will investigate and we will come back to you in our Competitions PowerBI dashboard. Gracias! Staff