@mentions in Outlook for Windows and Mac

Bronze Contributor



Description of the issue encountered

@mentions in Outlook is wrong in Outlook for Windows and inconsistent compared with Outlook for macOs


Language affected



Current translation (if applicable)

W: Nævnte mail

M: Omtaler (@)


Suggested translation and reason(s) for change (if applicable)

W: Mails med omtale

M: Omtaler 


Eventually "Mails med @omtale" and "@omtaler", but it looks kind of strange


The current translation is very strange and unuseable.


Corresponding English text (if known and applicable)

W:Mentioned Mail



Screenshot of the issue



Steps to reproduce the issue>

See online link below



Windows 10 and macOS


Build number

W: 1804 (9226.2114)

M: 16.13 (180424)


Online link

The online page needs some work and the illustrations are very inconsistent;-)


1 Reply

Thanks for these suggestions @Jørgen Koch. Our Danish moderator will investigate and we will come back to you in our Competitions PowerBI dashboard. Cheers! Staff